Re: Auto Numbering
That's good news. Thank you for the feedback. Hope you have a great day.1 · -
Unified DocuSign tracking column
Thank you SmartSheet team, for all your hard work on the DocuSign integration. We're in the process of putting together some automations to take full advantage of this feature. Meanwhile, I'm trying …15 · -
Re: Count the number of lines after a date.
Hi @Christophe AUBRIOT I would couch the criterion within a DATE function. e.g. =COUNTIF({PDCA Commercial SLF-FP-001 Range 3}; > DATE(2020, 01, 01) Hope this helps?1 · -
Re: Calculating the quarter complete
Hi Edward, If possible, you may want to think about setting up a separate table of end-of-quarter dates and related Q#-YY. You could then use combined INDEX, MATCH functions? Otherwise, if still usin…1 ·